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wastewater processing中文是什么意思

用"wastewater processing"造句"wastewater processing"怎么读"wastewater processing" in a sentence


  • 废水处理


  • Exploratory study of printing and dyeing wastewater processing
  • Coal gas washing wastewater processing by coagulation - sbr method
  • Biological denitrogenation craft in coking - plant wastewater processing application
  • Similar results were obtained from both methods . 5 . based on the present situation , analyzed the potential for the city , and proposed the plan to realize the potential , including finding other sources , water - saving , wastewater processing , etc
    5 、在分析研究水资源开发利用程度的基础上,对全市水资源开发利用潜力进行了全面分析,提出了全市水资源潜力开发方案,包括开源、节约、污水资源化、雨水利用、区域外调水等。
  • The test takes the combination of sbr and biological contact oxidation as its ruling technique through the comparison of multiple antibiotic mixed wastewater process tests to single antibiotic wastewater process test , and the result shows that the treatment of mixed multiple antibiotic wastewater is superior to single antibiotic wastewater
    摘要试验以sbr +生物接触氧化为主导工艺,通过多品种抗生素混合废水工艺试验与单一抗生素废水工艺试验结果的对比分析,得出多品种杭生素废水混合后处理效果优于单一杭生素废水处理效果。
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